25 words or less game

How to play board game 25 words or less

You’ve got one minute and play board game 25 words or less of clues to get your teammates to say the five answers on your card. If you get your team members to guess all five answers, your team wins the card. If not, your opponent steals the card. The first team to collect ten (10) cards wins the game!

How to play 25 words or less?

The main requirements to play 25 words or less game are 300 Cards, One Minute Sand Timer, Countdown Board, and Game Rules.

Can you play 25 words or less with a group?

Place the countdown board in the center of the table. In the middle of the board, stack the cards face down and place a sand timer nearby.

Divide into Two (2) teams of at least two players each. The teams do not need to be equal. 

Decide if you will use the white or blue answers on each card. Both sets of solutions are of equal difficulty. Be consistent throughout the game with which color words you use.

Read More: What is People Puzzler?

How do you play 25 words or less?

Here you can find two-step to play 25 words or less game: 

Step 1: Bidding the game

Each team picks One (1) player as the “clue giver” for the round.

Select the top card from the deck. The two-opposing clue givers jointly study the five answers on the card for a brief moment (about 15 seconds) without showing the card to the rest of the players. They now bid for control of the card*. First, the team that sets up the game bids. After that, the team alternates as to who starts the bidding.

Opening bids can range from 20 to 25 words. Teams take turns decreasing the bid until 1st team passes. The player who bid the lowest wins control of the card. The other player serves as “judge.”

*If both clue givers agree, they may pass on the card and choose the next card to bid on is helpful if an answer or answers are unfamiliar. Do not do this for the most laughter

and fun because the answers are complicated.

Step 2: Guessing the game

As soon as the judge turns over the sand timer, the clue giver has one minute to get their team to guess five (5) answers on the card.

The clue giver says the judge moves the sand timer one space for each word. 25 words or less keeps track of your remaining clue words. Try to give concise clues to get your teammates to guess each answer. 

Important: The judge counts every clue word, even if you repeat spoken words. Only the words “Pass,” “Correct,” and “Yes” are not calculated by the judge.

Wanna read 25 words or less game more resources?

What are the rules for 25 words or less?

Do give clues for the answers on the card in any order.

Do use the word “blank.” As in “New York __b_l_a_n_k__.”

Do use voice inflection and leading phrases. As in “bread and ….”

Say “Pass” if you get stuck and need to move to another answer.

Do listen to your guessers! It is okay to say “Correct” when they guess correctly.

Don’t use the phrases “rhymes with” or “sounds like.”

Don’t use part of the answer in your clue. You cannot say “fights fires” for “fireman.”

The Guessing Continues Until:

The team guesses all five cards’ answers – they keep the card!


The clue giver says more clue words than allowed – the other team steals the card!

Clue giver runs out of time – the other team steals the card!

The clue giver breaks the rules (by doing a don’t) – the other team steals the card!

For the next round, choose two different team members to be the clue givers and let the bidding begin.

25 words or less game warning alert:

The first team to collect Ten (10) cards wins the game!

Helpful Hints: Bid aggressively to win control of the card. The point is to show off your stuff, and your team wants to guess the answers on the card. Go for it!

The clue givers can only briefly examine the five answers they are bidding on. Do not study the card and try to think of clues for each answer – this slows down the game. Take a risk and bid quickly!

If you feel the bid gets too low, pass and force your opponent to take the card. You may still win if they get stuck!

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