Best YouTube to MP3 Downloader Hassle-Free

Best YouTube to MP3 Downloader Hassle-Free

Youtube is the most popular video platform, with over 2 billion monthly active users. But, walking in the park or sitting on the train, you can grab content from YouTube but only download the audio version of the video to listen to anytime. 

Here’s the catch! YouTube doesn’t allow you to watch videos from the background unless you are a premium user. What to do, then? Here’s where the YouTube to MP3 Downloader app comes into play. The app will allow you to convert and download the mp3 file of any video you want from YouTube. Want to know more? 

Advantages of Using YouTube to MP3 Downloader App

You’ll find many apps that work as YouTube to mp3 downloaders. And using the app has several advantages. Some of them are; 

Allows Decent Portability for Listening: While walking on the street or traveling in a plane, you can enjoy the music or podcasts you like without looking at your smartphone’s screen. Yes, you will get super portability when it comes to only listening to YouTube videos anytime, anywhere, with the mp3 downloader. 

Makes Listening to Audio Super Convenient: You don’t need to search for your favorite songs for a long time to download them. Instead, you can search for the song on YouTube, and then with the YouTube to mp3 converter app, you can convert and download the song easily. This allows super accessibility of listening to audio.

Helps You To Save Space on Your Phone: No doubt about the fact that video files are larger than audio files. So, it will grab more space (because of the large file size)  in your device if you download the YouTube video. So, by downloading the mp3 version of the YouTube video, you can save your phone’s storage. And you know how essential it is not to allow your phone’s storage to run down. 

Top features to look for in a YouTube to MP3 downloader app

The YouTube video to mp3 downloader must have some exciting features. But what are the most impressive features you should look for? 

Free-Version: The most popular mp3 downloader comes with a free and paid version. You may never want to spend too much money on the app. So, looking for the free version and accessing the mp3 downloader app is better. And even if the app is paid, it should be value for money.

Convert Playlists to mp3: It will save much of your time if you convert the Entire YouTube video playlist to mp3. This will also help you store the download audio file in the same folder on your phone or PC. 

Download Videos From a Good Number of Websites

Converting and downloading videos from YouTube will benefit you if the app can do the same on other websites like Facebook, Instagram, and more. And you’ll find some mp3 downloader app that allows users to have the feature.

Easy to use: The app must be easy to use. It is always better to copy and paste the video link to convert to mp3 and download it.

Unlimited Download: Make sure the app lets you download unlimited videos. You may never want to find yourself in conditions where you can only download a few mp3 files.

How to Choose the Best YouTube to MP3 Downloader App?

First, you must ensure the app you install suits your device. And you’ll know that at the time of downloading the website. 

Besides, if you want to go with the paid app where you can enjoy more premium features, make sure the plan is affordable. In this case, you can compare multiple mp3 downloader apps at a time and then choose the most convenient one for you. 

You should have a user-friendly interface with the app. This will help you use the app with a lot of ease. So, choose the app with the most interactive and user-friendly interface. 

Top 5 YouTube to MP3 Downloader Apps of 2023

Only some apps for converting YouTube videos to mp3 are convenient for you. Here, we’ve picked up the top 5 apps you will find helpful in 2023. So let’s have a look. 

1. Snap Downloader

This is one of the most exciting YouTube to mp3 downloader apps. With the help of this app, you can convert and download high-quality Youtube videos into mp3 files. It comes with a free trial of 48 hours.

Key features:

  • Easy to download mp3 (copy and paste the link)
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Compatible with android, ios, mac, and windows. 

2. 4K YouTube to Mp3

The 4k YouTube to mp3 will allow you to download mp3 from YouTube and many websites. You can use the app on any device you have and will get an Impressive user experience. The nicest thing is that you can convert full YouTube playlists to mp3 with the app.

Key Features:

  • Allows you to download audio in different formats.
  • Download the mp3 as the same quality stored on the website.
  • Download with speed controller. 

3. Free YouTube to MP3 Converter

This is a free-of-cost website for downloading YouTube videos to mp3. You can download high-quality mp3 files in a few moments. Besides, you can convert unlimited mp3 files with the app. At the same time, the app is 100% safe and secure.

  • No batch download limits
  • Compatible with both pc and smartphone.
  • Easy to use.

4. Snaptube

Snaptube is another most common YouTube to mp3 converter and YouTube to MP3 Downloader App. Along with YouTube, you can also download the mp3 files from videos from many social media and other websites. And Snaptube never compromises the audio quality, allowing you to convert the video to 1080 p. 

Key Features:

  • Simple steps to download mp3 files.
  • Comes with the android toolkit.
  • Completely free. 

5. iTubego

The app allows you to convert and download videos from more than 10,000 websites, yes along with YouTube. The app is completely free of cost, allowing you to download high-quality mp3 files. However, the app also has worthy paid plans that you can choose from. You can have access to YouTube playlist download. 

Key Features: 

  • Simple link detection tool. 
  • Interactive interface. 
  • 10x faster download.

How to Use a YouTube to MP3 Downloader App

Depending on the app you choose, the process of using the app might vary. But in most cases, you need to install the app on your phone. 

  • Step 1: Select the YouTube video.
  • Step 2: Copy the link to the video.
  • Step 3: Open the app.
  • Step 4: Paste the link to the video.
  • Step 5: Click ‘Covert’ to convert the video into mp3.
  • Step 5: once you pass the link to the video, you’ll be asked to download (in desired quality) the video once the mp3 conversion is finished. Click the ‘download’ button.  

Additionally, it will be better to see the tutorial video of the YouTube to mp3 downloader to know how to use the app.


YouTube is the most popular video platform, with over 2 billion monthly active users. Although you can grab content from YouTube while walking in the park or sitting on the train, you can only download the audio version of the video to listen to anytime. However, YouTube doesn’t allow users to watch videos from the background unless they are premium users. Therefore, using a YouTube to mp3 downloader app is a great solution.

It provides decent portability for listening, makes listening to audio super convenient, and helps you save space on your phone. When choosing a YouTube to mp3 downloader app, look for features such as a free version, playlist conversion to mp3, downloading from various websites, easy to use, and unlimited YouTube to MP3 Downloader. The top 5 YouTube to mp3 downloader apps of 2023 include Snap Downloader, 4K YouTube to MP3, Free YouTube to MP3 Converter, Snaptube, and YTD Video Downloader.

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